Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Transformers: War for Cybertron Multiplayer Trailer Breakdown!

For much of my life, I have loved two things more than almost anything else: Video Games, and Transformers. Yet despite the seemingly limitless potential of these two virile parents to birth a child of unequaled power and beauty, we have been denied that perfect genesis. Instead, we have been forced to play pretend with mutant offspring that have clearly been inspired by their source material, but fail to do more than make you wish it could transform into a better game. With news of Transformers: War for Cybertron slowly leaking out, we wait with baited breath in the hopes that a new champion will rise, and finally return Transformers to its rightful place of Awesome.

There have been plenty of screen shots, hands-on previews, and a neat story trailer, but today saw the release of a multiplayer trailer, giving us a glimpse into what could be the most engaging part of the entire experience. However, the trailer moves pretty quickly. Only someone with a lot of time on their hands and a large amount of patience would sift through it frame by frame to pick each last, succulent bit of knowledge off its sturdy frame. Lucky for you, I am that man.

The trailer begins with the ESRB Teen rating, so rated for "Violence". This is a promising start. More promising still is the phrase that follows, "Create your own Transformers character." Peasants, rejoice. Then, in 5 seconds, they flash through that character creation process, barely giving you enough time to process what's going on. After taking a careful look at the screens, here's what I've been able to put together.

The first screen clearly shows the four classes available in the game, namely Scout (Bumblebee type), Scientist (Wheeljack/Ratchet type), Leader (Optimus Prime type) and Soldier (Ironhide type). Details on the specifics of these classes can be found below. In this menu, each class has its own experience level, starting with 0 and progressing to an unknown cap. Underneath each class heading are 3 slots. The top slot in the video reads "1", followed by "Unlocks at Level 5" and "Unlocks at Level 10". My guess is that these are character slots, and so that as you level up a class, you can create more characters in it. These slots may represent something else, such as chassis for your Transformer, or what not, but based on the similarities to a Modern Warfare type system, my guess is that you can unlock the ability to make and save more than one character in each class. Hopefully, the area that says "1" is a placeholder for the name of your Transformer. You could name him Slagface!

As the video scrolls down through each class, the right side of the screen shows the weapons, abilities and upgrades chosen for each slot. Each character can have two weapons, two abilities and three upgrades. No upgrades were shown in the video, so we can only guess that these are unlocked at a higher level, and that the grant some sort of passive benefit, similar to Modern Warfare's perks. Each class offers six weapons to fill a character's two slots, ranging from grenades to missile launchers to melee weapons. There seems to be some restrictions as to what weapons can be equipped in each slot, a la the primary/secondary weapon system in Modern Warfare 2. Each class has 4-5 unique weapons, but some are shared between classes. Each class has 4 abilities (at least that's what was shown in the video), and these are unique to each class. These abilities appear to be what gives each class its unique advantages and flavor.

The video then selects the Soldier character, and proceeds to a weapon selection screen. Here we see the options for weapons that can be equipped in the first weapon slot. The second weapon slot is grayed out, and it is impossible to tell whether that selecton is fixed or not. It may be that additional weapons aren't unlocked until a certain level is reached. Each weapon has four statistics associated with it: Damage, Range, Accuracy, and Rate of Fire. There is also a brief description of what each weapon does. The three given in the video are recorded in the Soldier section below.

Once weapons are selected (and presumably abilities and upgrades as well), an image of the Transformer appears, in this case, a Decepticon tank. There are three options on this screen. The first may be to select the skin or alternate mode of the transformer. In the video, this option reads "Crusher", and the right and left arrows on either side of it indicate that there are multiple options to scroll through. It is unknown how many options there are, and whether they would all be tanks, etc. Based on the later descriptions in the video, the only class with a Jet mode is the Scientist (much to the chagrin of Starscream fans), with the Soldier as a tank, the scout as a car, and the leader as a truck or larger vehicle of some sort. Hopefully there is some variety here, but we have yet to see. It would certainly be nice if they had a few options for each class, particularly some fem-bot options. It is also possible that "Crusher" refers to a color scheme, which if true would be appropriate, because it would crush my hopes if there were no options for changing what your Transformer turned into.

Underneath that option are two Color selection options, inventively labeled "Color 1" and "Color 2". It appears that "Color 1" is the primary color, and "Color 2" is a detail or trim color. The video then selects "Color 1" and launches into the color selection screen. There are preset colors that can be scrolled through with the right and left triggers. Once a swatch has been selected, you can then choose a shade of that color from a larger box, ranging from black to white and everything in between for that color. So, if you choose the green preset, you could then pick a shade of light or dark green.

Then, the video launches into some gameplay, highlighting each class with a bunch of text that seems largely fluff related. On closer inspection, it is entirely unfluffy! Each screen lists the weapons, abilities, and Killstreak rewards for each class. That's right, killstreaks. These don't seem to be customizable, but each class has unique rewards granted for killstreaks of 3, 5 and 7. Starting with the Soldier, here's a rundown of the information given for each class.

Soldier: The Soldier prefers an all out brawl full of flak over a tactical fight.


Neutron Assault Rifle (Rapid Fire Mid Range Assault Rifle, D: 5, R: 5, A: 5, RoF: 9)

X12 Scrapmaker (Full-Auto Mini gun, D: 7, R: 6, A: 3, RoF: 8)

EMP Shotgun (Semi-auto close combat shotgun, D: 8, R: 3, A: 3, RoF: 4)

Thermo Rocket Launcher

Energon Hammer

Flak Grenade


Hover – Gives the ability to hover in the air and increase weapon damage.

Whirlwind – Gives ability to do a whirlwind melee attack

Ammo Beacon – Deploy beacon which automatically refills teammate’s ammo when near it

Energon Sling – Disable Enemy abilities for a brief time


3 kills – Ammo Matrix: refills team’s ammo and grenades

5 kills – Electromagnetic Pulse: Jam’s enemy team’s abilities for a short time

7 kills – Omega missile: Fires off a guided missile capable of mass destruction

Scientist: The Scientist has the highly prized jet form allowing him to bring his considerable support to his teammates wherever they are on the battlefield.


Neutron Assault Rifle (Rapid Fire Mid Range Assault Rifle, D: 5, R: 5, A: 5, RoF: 9)

EMP Shotgun (Semi-auto close combat shotgun, D: 8, R: 3, A: 3, RoF: 4)

Photon Burst Rifle

Energon Repair Ray

Energon Club

Energon Grenade


Shockwave – Pushes enemies back and causes damage

Spawn Sentry – Spawns a sentry at a location

Drain – Siphons health from enemies

Disguise – Appear as an ally to the enemy


3 kills – Health Matrix 2.0: Teammates receive health for every kill

5 kills – Overshield Matrix: Teammates receive overshields

7 kills – Nulceon Shock Cannon: Spawn a usable rocket turret

Scout: The Scout uses hit-and-run tactics to deliver sudden damage and circumvent enemy defenses.


Plasma Cannon

Null Ray

Scatter Blaster

Energon Sword

EMP Grenade

Energon Battle Pistol


Cloaking – Become nearly invisible on the battlefield

Dash – Quickly dash in any direction

Decoy Trap – Spawns a decoy pickup which stuns enemies when touched

Mark Target – Tags an enemy with an electromagnetic pulse which weakens their armor and reveals their location


3 kills – Orbital Beacon: Displays enemies location

5 kills – Energon Recharger: Health constantly regenerates for a brief time

7 kills – Orbital Beacon 2.0: Causes a level-wide EMP blast and tags all enemies with mark target

Leader: The Leader role is to move the lines of the battlefield by boosting the strength and defense of his teammates.


Ion Blaster

Energon Battle Pistol

Magma Frag Launcher

Fusion Cannon

Energon Axe

Thermo Mine


Warcry – Area of effect improves armor and increases damage output

Moleculon Bomb – Slows enemies who get near it and causes damage when it explodes

Barrier – Deploys an Energon shield barrier

Disruption – Forces victim to change form and locks them in that form for a brief period of time


3 kills – Intercooler: Greatly decreases the cooldown time for ability use

5 kills – P.O.K.E. 2.0: Deadly melee attack that causes enemies to explode

7 kills – Thermo Mine Re-Spawner: Spawn a trail of thermo mines

And there you have it. Needless to say, I'm excited. Class based multiplayer? Experience and progression? Customizable characters? Transformers? Sign me up! Obviously there's a lot of borrowing going on, but hey, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. To finish things off, here are some timestamps throughout the video that show some abilities in action, and a few other fun things. Hit pause every once in a while, and enjoy the roboty goodness.


00:19 – Soldier Whirlwind ability with Energon Hammer

00:31 – Scientist Energon Repair Ray in action

00:35 – Scout Cloaking ability

00:37 – Various Energon melee weapons (Axe, Sword)

00:45 – Leader Warcry ability

00:51 – Aerial combat (Scientist only?)

00:56 – Soldier Hover ability in Tank mode, switches to normal (?)

01:03 – Leader Barrier ability (?)

01:08 – Scout Dash ability (?)

Monday, January 18, 2010

CES 2010 OR Target will install your Wii

The first episode of the year is up for your listening enjoyment!

We run down some of the news from this year's CES, from ad-hoc networks to six monitors in one! Take a listen and leave some feedback. The future is now! Find out what it is.

Episode 2.1

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Did you get your money's worth?

A few days ago, we took a look at some strategies for making purchases you're happy with in 2010. Fast forward! You've got the game, and guess what? It's great! But is it great a week later? A month? A year? How do you determine whether a game was worth price?

Now, dear reader, we stepped into the land of opinion. We have different tastes (thankfully) and some games are going to more fun for some and less fun for others. Now, if you bought a game you don't think is fun, I'm sorry. It's happened to all of us gamers at one time or another. Let's assume that you DID buy a game you liked. Eventually, you'll move on. Yes, you might stop back by, check up on it, remember the good old days, but most of are always looking for the next big thrill, the next arena in which we can test our virtual mettle, and the games you have today will sit largely untouched. This is the way of the world, the circle games.

Since it's impossible to quantify the "value" of any particular game to any particular person, the industry has latched onto one variable as a potential measure for a game's worth: time. It's a pretty simple idea. The more time you spend playing a game, the better your investment. Sorta.
It's a still a pretty wishy washy way to judge a game, but it's a good place to start. But how much is an hour worth?

Let's take another popular form of entertainment: movies. They, too, can be measured by time and cost. So, let's say that, on average, you pay $9.00 for 2 hours of entertainment at the movies. If we use that measure, how much time should we get out of a game at minimum for it to be at least as fun as a movie? Math time! $60.00 / $4.50 = 13.33

So, if you play a game for a little more than 13 hours, you can tell all your friends that video games aren't any more expensive than going to the movies. Given that most games these days have a single player story that lasts around 8-10, and if you add in a multiplayer mode, or replaying levels for fun or achievements, you can hit that 13 hour mark pretty easily.

Pay less, play more, and you're getting a lot more bang for your buck. "Wait," I hear you cry, "isn't that completely obvious?" Yes, yes it is. In the end, play the games you want. If you want it, then it's worth it. 13 hours or 3 days, we game for fun. And economics? Not so fun.

Friday, December 18, 2009

2010: The Year Your Wallet Dies

It's been a banner year for gaming. 2009 saw the release of some of the biggest games...well, ever! Uncharted 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Modern Warfare 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, just to name a few. Really, that's just a few. You'd think that after a slew of releases like that, things would slow down for a while. Just sit back, relax, and play through the all the games you just bought one more time.

Well, daydream's over. 2010 is on the horizon, and there are even MORE games waiting to chew through you're thinning bank account. I've already sat down and made a list of games that, individually, I would be willing to shell out $60.00 to play, and I've already got 17. That's not including games that haven't been dated yet, or the PS3, Nintendo DS or PSP. What's a gamer to do with so much on the table? Here's a few tips to keep in mind when deciding what you'll be playing in 2010.

1) "The boy has no patience!"

There are a lot of reasons to wait when a brand new game hits the shelves. Right now, all you have to go on is hype. Sometimes it's right, and sometimes it isn't. If you've already got a game to play, wait until you have time for a new one. Games will be around for a while. You don't have to buy it the day it comes out, especially if you just bought one a week or two ago. Just wait a bit! By then, you might have friends who can give you an opinion, or you might have been able to try it for yourself. Don't forget that a few months can also sometimes mean a drop in price.

2) "One of these things is not like the other"

Sure, we all love a good old shoot-em up, but maybe it would be fun to try something different! Switch it up! Consider ways to vary the kinds of games you buy. Some things to consider are gameplay, time commitment and tone. A Sci-Fi RPG like Mass Effect 2 is going to play very differently from the open world western Red Dead Redemption. If you've been playing multiplayer, maybe try a single player experience. Been investing hours into a game? Look for something you can play in 15-20 minute stretches. Or if Heavy Rain is getting too frightening, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is sure to brighten up your TV screen.

3) The Jet-Set Lifestyle

Where and when do you play games? You'll probably only be playing your console when you're sitting down in front of your TV. If you have a laptop or a portable system, you can play those things just about anywhere! Diversifying the platforms that you buy games might mean you'll get more out of the new DS game than you would out of having another PS3 game sitting on top of your console.

These are just a few things to get you thinking. In the end, it all comes down to budget, interest, and a boatload of other factors I can't begin to account for. My number one tip? Be happy! It's a great time to be a gamer. Whatever you end up buying next year, there's bound to be something you'll enjoy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

ANOTHER PODCAST, without a three month wait? WHAT?

Well here lies episode 2

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Podcasts Exist!!!

Two episodes of Eaten By Grues podcasts actually exist!!

This is episode one recorded about 2 weeks ago. We are working on being faster with the post-production.

This is the lost episode 0, a studio recorded episode from around E3.

These episodes will be up for 30 days. Contact after that if you would like these episodes.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The List

There's a lot of things we like about video games, but nothing seems as memorable as a downright cool character. There's a reason we keep seeing Mario over and over again! With a little help from our friends, we've begun to compile a list of our all-time favorite video game characters. It'll be changing a lot over the next little while as we continue to add and subtract, but now that we're up to 87 individual characters, take a look and feel free to comment below. The current list can be seen here. Enjoy, and be glad I didn't make a "Link"-ed list joke.

UPDATE: The count is now 98 as of 4:23 - 7/24/2009